calendula seeds, urban gardening & new collaborations
I am always more interested in people than plants. Nature doesn't make gardens, people make gardens. And the story of a garden is always the story of a person. - Monty Don
calendula seeds
Over the last few months, I have been doing a deep dive into plants you can grow for natural dyeing, botanical pigments, and plant-based inks. And as an avid gardener, not only is this satisfying the garden fever I find myself suffering from all of winter and early spring, but a chance to nerd out on all things plants, learn some new skills and apply that all to my art practice.
To combine my passion for plants with art – what more could I ask for?! I am excited to collaborate with Shannon Amidon, founder of The Verdancy Project. We’ve been selecting plants, drawing plans, sowing seeds, and preparing our lovely flower gardens. She has some acreage outside of Portland, and I have my cozy urban garden. It’s been a delight creating our sister gardens. We will share what we’ve learned along the way, so follow along as our gardens grow!
garden urban gardening -
The natural dye and pigment plants I will be growing are indigo, calendula, Scabiosa, zinnia, Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Dyer’s Coreopsis, Sulfur Cosmos, just to name a few –a multi-page shared spreadsheet is involved.
My garden will demonstrate how you can grow plants used for natural dyeing in an urban garden setting within an herbaceous border, in and amongst a cut flower garden and veg patch, and in different containers on a back garden patio.
mixed media abstract sketchbook drawings
Finished another sketchbook – here are a couple of images I plan to use as inspiration for other projects
It breaks my heart that we’ve lost a great and important person in the art world this March. My art hero, Phyillida Barlow. Someone I draw endless inspiration from. I have had many an interview or lectures playing featuring her while working in the studio.