curiosity, a brush too big, and not givin’ a care
moonwalking in pink - Barb Burwell
Creativity takes courage. – Henri Matisse
I recently finished How To Be An Artist by Jerry Saltz- a super fun read and not only for artists! At the end of several of his essays were assignments or challenges. One, in particular, spoke to me. The task was to complete a piece of art in one sitting (a sitting being at least 20 minutes but less than 3 hours). I took this challenge and made a 10 x 10-inch painting. I took inspiration from a section of drawing I had in one of my sketchbooks. I got my paints out and went to work. Because I am an overachiever, I added a second rule - use one oversized brush. A large brush on a small canvas, a recipe for a less-than-exquisite painting experience. But, in the spirit of getting outside of my comfort zone, I loaded up that brush and applied that paint, and found myself feeling so liberated and free. I had released expectations of making art with a capital A. I had to allow the work to have no value other than the express use of materials and experience of the process. This is the exact message I go on and on about in my creative freedom class. Let go. Allow the process to unfold. Let the images emerge. And approach it all with joyful curiosity, an open heart, and a beginner's imagination. It was a lot of fun, and I felt like I had taken a deep, restorative, nourishing breath. This painting may not be the prettiest or best work I have ever made. But it is important to me and in terms of success a complete art win!