the creative loop
image from sojourn
Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination, and encourages people to go further – Keith Haring
in the studio
I live in a world that is a creative loop of observe-make-reflect. I spend much of my time looking for and making images - finding patterns, arranging them, trying to make connections that start to tell a story, then re-arranging and re-arranging them some more. The practice of art making; all the stuff that supports my art with a capital A. The training, the sketchbook, the exploring, and making piles of work that will likely never get seen. The day-to-day practice of showing up, getting to the studio, and doing the work. Like any practice, each action will compound and build on itself.
work in process
I also see it as a reciprocal relationship. Cultivate the practice and the practice will cultivate you. And the reward is a creative mindset. Being creative brings you the energy that makes you feel alive, fills you up, and gives you the energy to create.
My studio mottos are observe-make-reflect, and input-output.
Art & Ideas
Speaking of input-output, here are some things that have caught my attention.
I’m currently taking a writing class and had some yummy assigned reading – First Person Singular: Stories and Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami
I'm obsessed with the paintings of Cecily Brown and the work of brilliant conceptual artists Agnes Denes. Sharing a video about her piece A Gift to the Future: Tree Mountain by Agnes Denes
…a few photos from a trip to the Oregon Coast